Sunday, February 13, 2011

Justin Bieber Never Say Never

Yesterday I went to the movies and I say Justin Bieber's Never Say Never. Honestly it was a good movie and I didn't think it would be that good as it was. It was better than I imagined. I think people should see this movie if  you like Justin Bieber. This movie was so good that my friend didn't like him at all now she loves him. Which I think is amazing. So I recommend this movie. He performs all the favorite songs from both albums. You never know you might like it. The message in his movie is good and it's so true you should never say never to anything especially your dreams and goals in life. One last thing never say never.


  1. Where are your labels so people searching "Justin Beiber" will see your blog??

  2. I have to do that. I'm about to do that now.
