Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Am I Feeling? LOVE!!!!!!!

Love is all around.
There are different types of love.
There's family, friends, pets, and boyfriend and girlfriend love.
But the love I love the most is the love between children and their parents.
Let's just think about it.
If it wasn't for parents we wouldn't be here.
Parents are the best things that ever happened.
They are the people that love you no matter what.
Mothers have a great role in life.
They take care of you, they do everything in their power to make sure you are safe.
Mothers are like thoughts their always in your mind.
Fathers are weapons their there to protect you.
My mom and dad are the best.
We have such a close relationship.
If kids had a relationship like that with their parents then kids will be off the streets.
I think a relationship with parents is so important.
Without my parents I don't know where I would be and what I would do.
Friends, boyfriends, and girlfriends come and go.
But parents will never leave you.
If I didn't have the relationship I have with my mom and dad I wouldn't be here right now.
I thank my parents for never giving up on me.
They inspire me.
They make me who I am today.
I love who I am today and I love them.
I wouldn't hurt them on purpose.
Why you ask?
Because if you love somebody so much you wouldn't make them upset.
What's the point of hurting somebody you love?
Now how do you look?
You look like a jerk.
Never say " I wish my parents were never born."
When you lose them then you say " I need my parents."
Always love your parents.
Be greatful for them because some people don't have them.
I love my mommy and daddy!!!!
I wouldn't trade them for anything or anybody in this world!!!!
So again I ask what am I feeling?


  1. Awww NayNay this is really beautiful I love it, that is so true "If kids had a relationship like that with their parents then kids will be off the streets."

  2. Thanks Elona I try my best and hopefully people will take that line into consideration.
